
FitnessGram accepts traditional CSV imports as well as files in the OneRoster version 1.1 format.

How to Import

Step 1: Check Districts & Schools
Step 2: Create a File

Create a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file containing school, student, class, and teacher information.  This information provides guidance for SIS vendors and assists District Admins in exporting fields from your school’s Student Information System (SIS).

Note: Refer to state-specific import file instructions if part of a FitnessGram® state implementation (GA, OK, SC, DE) in addition to the following File Requirements.

File Requirements

  • For GA and OK SIS vendors only: Headers must match File Field names exactly (see File Fields table below).
  • File must be a true Comma Separated Values format (.csv extension).
  • File must contain headers.
  • File cannot have blank rows.
  • All required fields must be populated.
  • DO NOT USE Social Security Numbers for any identifiers in the file.
  • Include teacher email addresses to help with login.
  • Passwords have to be 8 characters and include upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers and special characters.
  • Email addresses are required in order to complete username or password reset.

File Fields

Optional: Download the Sample Import Template here.

If using the Sample Import Template, you will need to save the file as a CSV file type before importing and remove rows 2-6 with instructions.Please review the following File Fields carefully as the data and formatting of fields required for the FitnessGram® software may differ from Student Information System (SIS) data.

Field Name Field Type (Maximum Size) Required? Notes
SchoolID AlphaNumeric (50) Required Must match the School Local Identifier in FitnessGram
StudentID AlphaNumeric (50) Required Must be unique to the user within the district. Ensure student IDs remain consistent each year to avoid duplication.
StudentFirstName AlphaNumeric (46) Required  
StudentLastName AlphaNumeric (46) Required
StudentMiddleInitial AlphaNumeric (35) Optional
StudentNickName AlphaNumeric (35) Optional
StudentBirthdate Date (10) Required mm/dd/yyyy
(include slash marks)
StudentGrade AlphaNumeric (10) Required Grades accepted are K-13. Any pre-K or early development grades must be reported as “K” only. Any Adult or post-high-school levels must be listed as 13.
StudentSexAssignedAtBirth Alpha (1) Required M, F, N. Column header “Gender” still accepted.
StudentUsername AlphaNumeric (60) Required Must be unique to the student within the district.
StudentPassword AlphaNumeric (100) Required Password requirements
StudentReportEmail AlphaNumeric (128) Required School student email account. Useful for resetting password. Only one email address is allowed in this field.
Student SSO ID  AlphaNumeric (35)  Optional This field is only used for districts with FitnessGram® Single Sign On. Contact the FitnessGram® Help Desk for more information.
StudentPrintBodyComp AlphaNumeric (1) Optional Y, N
ParentReportEmail1 AlphaNumeric (128) Recommended Useful for emailing student reports. Only one email address is allowed in this field.
ParentReportEmail2 AlphaNumeric (128) Recommended Useful for emailing student reports. Only one email address is allowed in this field.
StudentPrintReportInSpanish AlphaNumeric (1) Optional Y, NStudent Reports will be printed/emailed in Spanish for any student identified in this column as “Y”.
StudentPermanentExemptionCode AlphaNumeric (1) Optional Teachers can also exempt students individually within a test event.
StudentIsActive AlphaNumeric (1) Optional Y, NUseful to deactivate students by identifying as “N”.
ClassName AlphaNumeric (100) Required Unique by teacher, period, and school year.
ClassID AlphaNumeric (100) Required Unique by district and cannot repeat for different class names, start dates, and end dates.
ClassDescription AlphaNumeric (255) Optional
ClassStartDate Date (10) Required mm/dd/yyyyCannot fall before the School Year Start Date.
(include slash marks)
ClassEndDate Date (10) Required mm/dd/yyyyCannot be later than one year from the School Year Start Date.
(include slash marks)
TeacherID AlphaNumeric (50) Required Unique per teacher within a district. Ensure teacher IDs remain consistent each year to avoid duplication.
TeacherFirstName AlphaNumeric (46) Required  
TeacherLastName AlphaNumeric (46) Required
TeacherMiddleInitial AlphaNumeric (35) Optional
TeacherNickName AlphaNumeric (35) Optional
TeacherUserName AlphaNumeric (60) Required Email is best practice.
TeacherPassword AlphaNumeric (100) Required Password requirements
TeacherEmail AlphaNumeric (128) Required Email must be included in the TeacherEmail field even if being used as username.
Teacher SSO ID  AlphaNumeric (35)  Optional This field is only used for districts with FitnessGram® Single Sign On. Contact the FitnessGram® Help Desk for more information.
TeacherIsActive AlphaNumeric (1)  Optional Y, NUseful to deactivate teachers by identifying as “N”.

Step 3: Create File Mapping

Note to District Admins in GA or SC:  Skip to Step 4: Import File.

In the import screen, find the File Mappings tab and click Create New Mapping.


Name the mapping and upload your CSV file to begin the mapping process.

Once the file has uploaded, the selections in the Map To column will populate with the headers from your file.

Some Map To fields may not be recognized automatically if they aren’t spelled or labeled the same as the System Data Field.  If a Map To field is not recognized, click Select to select the header in your file that matches the System Data Field.

Once complete, click Save.

You will now see any Saved Import File Mappings you have created on the Import screen.  Once created, the system will default to the most recent mapping. However, any of your created mappings can be selected at any time.


To download existing mappings, go to the Mappings tab and click the download icon for the selected mapping.

Step 4: Import File

There are two ways to import a File.
Import from FitnessGram®
Import from File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

1. Import a file directly in FitnessGram®.

This option is good for districts that only do data imports occasionally or cannot install a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client for security or protocol reasons.

The recommended import settings (No and Add Update Only) will default in the system. If you need to update these at any time you can do so by clicking the Settings wheel.


  • Update usernames and passwords
    • Choose Yes to update usernames and passwords based on what is in the import file, which would override any passwords that have been reset by the user.
    • Choose No to not update usernames and passwords. This is the default setting and is recommended to decrease login issues.
  • Type of import
    • Add/Update Only will add/update any users and classes that are in the import file. This is the default setting and how FitnessGram® imports have worked historically.
    • Add, Update, and Remove will deactivate and users and classes that are not in the import file. Note: This type of import can only be done if all schools are in the import file.

Click Update Settings to confirm changes.

Now you are ready to import! Click Choose File and select your CSV import file, then click Import.


The system will notify you if your file does not match the selected mapping. If it does, it will attempt to process the file.

A preview screen will appear and display any errors.  Click “View Next Error” and find the exact cell with the error.  A message at the top of the preview screen will also display the reason for the error.


Correct the file and try again.

After clicking import a message will display confirming the file is processing. Once complete, an email notification will be sent to the person who completed the import informing that the import has fully processed.  The email will include any error messages if detected.

email import

An entry will appear in the Import History tab once the import has processed.


The student, class, and teacher information from your file will appear in Manage Users and Manage Classes.

If you need to reverse or roll back your most recent import for any reason, click the counter-clockwise arrow next to the file name. This will begin the roll back process and revert the classes and users in FitnessGram back to what they were before the import. Note: Only the most recent import can be rolled back.

2. Import via File Transfer Protocol (FTP).

Note: When importing data using FTP, FitnessGram leverages the SFTP protocol with 256 bit AES encryption. Data is encrypted in transit and at rest throughout the import process.

This option is recommended for districts that will be doing frequent data imports. This option would allow you to schedule files to be automatically processed (outside of the FitnessGram system).

Find district-specific SFTP credentials by selecting the “View FTP credentials for automated imports” link.

view ftp

Use credentials to automate imports on your local SFTP program.

TLS Encryption requires ports 1025-1035 to be open.

Top FTP troubleshooting tips:

  1. Make sure you entered the correct SFTP address (, username, and password from the FitnessGram Import page.
  2. Note only CSV files can be imported.
  3. Adjust the connection/timeout settings to increase the amount of time allowed to process.
  4. Ports 1025-1035 must be open because of TLS encryption.
  5. Port 22 must be used.

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